divendres, 17 de juny del 2016

#6 Weekly report

Hi everyone,

this week has been a coding week. I fixed some of the last week bugs and added some new things. I implemented the following:

  • Fix bug with SidebarExpanded not focusing some panes.
  • Design new pane focus implementation as there can be multiple options where it can be changed the focus without the user doing it explicitly.
  • Implement new focus automatically switching and allowing the user a more confortable focus change
  • Add new LibraryLayout to LateNight skin
  • Add more evident focus in the panes this should also solve https://bugs.launchpad.net/mixxx/+bug/1584613
  • Add scrollbar to AutoDJ buttons and change space in Deere skin
  • Add library root node
  • Allow to right click in playlists/crates empty area to add a new playlist/crate
  • Fix missing treeview in Browse / Rhythmbox
  • Fix minimum track table width being to big: this was due the already existing Buttons in the AutoDj like features. Currently there are a couple still to be removed
  • Fix selection of the track table jumping around when the Library button is clicked repeatedly, this was due the Library was always sending the activate() signal to the LibraryFeatures although there were the currently shown feature.
  • Fixed Sidebar buttons chopped in some languages, this was due to the buttons had a fixed width when I added them in the Deere skin, now their size is the minimum needed size to be shown.
As I commented in the list we added a new feature focus behavior. Now all features have their "featureFocus" which helps the features know in which pane they are being shown. This is useful in features like AutoDJ or Library that only have to be shown once. When the user clicks a feature that it's already showing in some pane the focus changes to focus the pane where the feature is being shown. This is explained by Daniel in this pull request comment: https://github.com/daschuer/mixxx/pull/10#issuecomment-226400779 .

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